Archived Webinars

The Lady C.P.A. Inc
(855) 523-9272
About Us: The Lady CPA Network is a non-profit organization aiding in the advancement of African American women in the accounting and finance profession. Our goal is to provide a network and platform for African American women in accounting and finance as a support system and collaborative body of professionals. To offer scholarships, mentorship, internships, entrepreneurial assistance, guidance and opportunities for women who aspire to be in the profession, as well as educational support and continuing education. To increase the visibility of African American women at the executive and partner level within the accounting and finance profession.
According to the AICPA women may represent more than 50% of accounting graduates entering the profession for the last 20 years, but makeup only 19% of the partners in accounting firms nationwide.
An analysis conducted of disclosures made by 50 American financial services companies revealed that women occupy only 20% of executive committee roles and 22% of board positions. Only 12% of the chief executive officers of large U.S. financial firms are women.
“Women have limited access to female or diverse role models” We are those role models!”